

Vape Show Up On TSA Scanner

Will A Vape Show Up On TSA Scanner? Learn About Guidelines & Precautionary Measures

Traveling with a vape can be stressful if you’re unsure about TSA regulations and security procedures. Whether you’re a frequent traveler or preparing for your first flight with a vaping device, it’s crucial to understand the rules to avoid any complications at the airport. This article covers essential TSA guidelines, the visibility of vapes on scanners, and precautionary measures to ensure a smooth journey.

Is Vaping Allowed During Flight?

Vaping during a flight is strictly prohibited. Federal regulations ban smoking and vaping on all flights, regardless of the airline or duration. Attempting to vape onboard can lead to severe penalties, including fines and potential legal action. Always refrain from using your vape device during the flight to comply with these regulations and ensure safety for all passengers.

Can You Carry Your Vape To The Airport?

Yes, bringing your personal vape to the airport is allowed, but you must adhere to specific TSA guidelines. Vapes and e-cigarettes are allowed in carry-on luggage but prohibited in checked baggage due to the fire risk posed by lithium-ion batteries. Properly packing your device and following safety protocols is essential to avoid issues during security screening.

TSA Guidelines

The TSA has clear rules for traveling with vapes:

  • Carry-on Only: Vapes and e-cigarettes must be in your carry-on luggage.
  • Battery Safety: Remove batteries from the device and store them separately in protective cases.
  • Liquid Limits: E-liquids must comply with the 3-1-1 rule, meaning each container should be no larger than 3.4 ounces (100ml) and all containers should fit in a single quart-sized bag.

Will A Vape Show Up On TSA Scanner?

Yes, a vape will show up on a TSA scanner. When your carry-on bag passes through the X-ray machine, the scanner detects electronic devices, including vapes, due to their metal components and batteries. While the TSA isn’t specifically searching for vapes, any suspicious items or potential security threats will be flagged for further inspection.

Legal Implications Of Not Following The Rules

Failing to follow TSA guidelines can have serious consequences:

  • Inspection: Your belongings may undergo additional scrutiny, causing delays.
  • Confiscation: Non-compliant items could be confiscated.
  • Fines: Violations can result in fines.
  • Legal Action: In severe cases, legal action may be taken.

Strategy To Avoid Metal Detection

While it’s not advisable to try to bypass detection, understanding how to pack your vape can minimize issues:

  • Disassemble the Device: Remove the tank and batteries, storing them separately.
  • Use Non-Metallic Parts: If possible, opt for vape components made of plastic or ceramic.
  • Declare Your Device: Inform TSA officers about your vape to avoid misunderstandings.

Tips For Traveling With Vapes

Check E-liquid Guidelines

Ensure that all e-liquids meet the TSA’s 3-1-1 requirements. Store them in a transparent quart-sized bag for easy inspection. According to this rule, every container of e-liquid cannot carry more than 3.4 ounces (100 ml) of e-liquid, and all containers must find their space in a single clear, resealable, and quart-sized plastic bag.

Battery Safety

Remove batteries from the device and carry them in protective cases. Avoid overcharging and check for any damage before your trip. Lithium-ion batteries can pose a fire hazard if damaged or improperly stored. Ensure they are placed in a safe, non-conductive case to prevent short circuits.

Packaging Of Vapes

Pack your vape securely to prevent leaks or accidental activation. Use a clear plastic bag for the device and e-liquids to simplify the screening process. Disassemble the vape if possible and store the parts separately to avoid any issues during security checks.

Check Airline Policies

Each airline may have additional rules regarding vapes. Review your airline’s policy to ensure compliance and avoid surprises. Some airlines might have stricter regulations or specific requirements for carrying vape devices and related products.

Local Regulations

Be aware of vaping laws at your destination. Some places have strict regulations, and non-compliance can lead to fines or legal trouble. Research the local laws and regulations concerning vaping in both your departure and arrival locations to ensure you are not inadvertently breaking any rules.

Final Words

Traveling with a vape doesn’t have to be stressful. By understanding TSA guidelines and preparing accordingly, you can ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience. Always follow the rules, pack your device properly, and respect local regulations to avoid any issues during your journey.


Can I bring my vape in checked luggage?

No, vapes and e-cigarettes are only allowed in carry-on luggage due to the fire risk posed by lithium-ion batteries.

Will TSA confiscate my vape if found in checked baggage?

Yes, if a vape is found in checked baggage, it may be confiscated due to safety concerns.

Are there any size restrictions for e-liquid containers?

Yes, each e-liquid container must be no larger than 3.4 ounces (100ml), and all containers must fit in a quart-sized bag.

Can I use my vape in the airport?

Vaping is only allowed in designated smoking areas within the airport. Using your vape outside these areas can lead to fines or other penalties.

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Sell Your Old Vape

Looking To Sell Your Old Vape? Learn Where & How You Can Sell Your Vape For Cash

Thinking, “Where can I sell my vape for Cash?” Or are you looking to upgrade your vape device or simply need some extra cash? Selling your old vape can be a great way to achieve these goals. However, knowing where and how to sell your vape can significantly affect how much money you get and how smooth the process is. In this article, we’ll explore various platforms and strategies to help you sell your vape for cash.

Understanding Your Vape’s Value

Before you sell your vape, it’s crucial to understand its market value. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Brand and Model: High-end brands and newer models typically fetch better prices. Brands like Juul, SMOK, and Vaporesso are often in higher demand.
  • Condition: A vape in good condition, with minimal wear and tear, is more appealing to buyers. Ensure that it’s clean and functional.
  • Accessories: If you have original accessories like chargers, cases, and spare parts, include them in your sale to increase the overall value.

Platforms To Sell Your Vape

There are several platforms and physical vape-selling shops where you can sell your vape, each with its pros and cons. Let’s delve into the most popular options:

Online Marketplaces

  • eBay: One of the largest online marketplaces, eBay allows you to reach a vast audience. Create a detailed listing with clear photos and descriptions to attract buyers.
  • Craigslist: A popular local marketplace, Craigslist can be a quick way to sell your vape. Ensure you meet buyers in safe, public places.
  • Facebook Marketplace: Utilize your social network to sell locally. Facebook Marketplace is convenient and easy to use, with the added benefit of reaching people within your community.

Specialty Vape Websites

  • Vape Swaps and Forums: Websites like VapeTrader and Reddit’s r/ecigclassifieds offer a community-driven approach to selling vapes. Engage with the community to build trust and find serious buyers.
  • Dedicated Buyback Programs: Some companies offer buyback programs for old vapes. Check with your vape manufacturer or local vape shops to see if they offer this service.

Physical Stores

  • Local Vape Shops: Many vape shops buy used devices. While they might not offer the highest prices, selling locally can be quick and hassle-free.
  • Pawn Shops: If you need cash fast, pawn shops can be a viable option. Be prepared to negotiate and accept a lower offer than you might get online.

Preparing Your Vape For Sale

Presentation is key when selling your vape. Here are some tips to prepare your device:

  • Clean Thoroughly: Ensure your vape is clean, both inside and out. Remove any residue from the tank and polish the exterior.
  • Gather Accessories: Collect all original accessories, manuals, and packaging. This adds value and appeals to buyers looking for a complete set.
  • Check Functionality: Make sure the vape works correctly. Replace any faulty parts, and test the battery life to ensure it’s in good condition.

Writing An Effective Listing

Your listing should be detailed and honest to attract serious buyers. Here’s what to include:

  • Clear Photos: Take high-quality photos from multiple angles. Include close-ups of any wear and tear to set accurate expectations.
  • Detailed Description: Describe the brand, model, condition, and any included accessories. Be transparent about any flaws or issues.
  • Pricing: Based on your research, set a competitive price. Consider allowing room for negotiation to attract more buyers.

Maximizing Your Sale

To get the best price for your vape, consider these additional tips:

  • Timing: Sell during peak times, such as after holidays or during vape-related events when demand is higher.
  • Promotion: Share your listing on social media and ask friends to spread the word. More visibility can lead to a quicker sale.
  • Bundle Deals: If you have multiple vapes or accessories, offer bundle deals to make your listing more attractive

Safe Selling Practices

Safety is paramount when selling your vape, especially if meeting buyers in person. Follow these tips to stay safe:

  • Meet in Public: Always meet buyers in well-lit, public places. Consider bringing a friend along for added security.
  • Payment Methods: Prefer cash for local sales. For online transactions, use secure payment methods like PayPal.
  • Communication: Keep communication within the selling platform to protect your personal information.

Final Words

Selling your old vape can be straightforward if you follow these guidelines. By understanding your vape’s value, choosing the right platform, preparing your device, and practicing safe selling techniques, you can maximize your return and enjoy a smooth transaction. Whether you’re upgrading to a new model or just clearing out old devices, selling your vape for cash is a smart move.


Where is the best place to sell my vape?

The best place depends on your needs. Online marketplaces like eBay and Facebook Marketplace offer broad reach, while local vape shops provide quick and easy sales.

How do I determine the value of my vape?

Research similar listings, consider the brand and model, and assess the condition of your vape. Including accessories can also increase its value.

What should I include in my vape listing?

Include clear photos, a detailed description of the vape and any accessories, and an honest assessment of its condition.

How can I ensure a safe transaction?

Meet buyers in public places, prefer cash for local sales, and use secure payment methods for online transactions.

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How To Take A Blinker Hit On Vape

A Comprehensive Guide On How To Take A Blinker Hit On Vape

Vaping has revolutionized the way people consume nicotine and cannabis. It introduced new techniques of vaping and terms that can be intriguing for both beginners and experienced users. One such term is “blinker hit,” a method of inhaling vapor that promises a more intense experience. This comprehensive guide will delve into what a blinker hit is, how to perform it correctly, and the precautions you should take to ensure a safe and enjoyable vaping session.

Understanding The Blinker Hit

A blinker hit is when you inhale continuously from a vape pen until the device’s light blinks, indicating that the maximum draw time has been reached. This usually happens due to an auto shut-off feature designed to prevent overheating. The duration before the light blinks varies by device but typically ranges from 8 to 10 seconds.

Why People Opt For Blinker Hits

Several reasons contribute to the popularity of blinker hits among vapers:

  • Intense Vapor Production: Blinker hits produce large clouds of vapor, offering a more satisfying experience.
  • Enhanced Flavor: The prolonged draw can intensify the flavor of the e-juice or cannabis oil.
  • Community Prestige: Among vaping enthusiasts, successfully taking a blinker hit is often seen as a mark of expertise and tolerance

Preparation Steps For A Blinker Hit

Before attempting a blinker hit, you must prepare yourself and your device. Here are the necessary steps:

  • Choose the Right Device: Ensure your vape pen has an auto shut-off feature and is capable of handling prolonged draws without overheating.
  • Fully Charge the Battery: A fully charged battery is essential to maintain the consistency of the vapor.
  • Check the E-Juice or Oil Level: Make sure your cartridge or tank is adequately filled to avoid dry hits, which can be harsh and unpleasant.
  • Clean Your Vape: Regular cleaning ensures optimal performance. Disassemble the device and clean each part with a soft cloth and cotton swabs dipped in rubbing alcohol.

How To Take A Blinker Hit

Once your device is ready, follow these steps to take a successful blinker hit:

  • Warm Up Your Device: Activate the device briefly to ensure the coil is heated and ready.
  • Start Inhaling: Press the power button (if applicable) and begin inhaling slowly and steadily.
  • Continuous Draw: Maintain a steady inhalation until the device’s light blinks, signalling the auto shut-off.
  • Hold and Exhale: To maximize absorption and flavor, hold the vapor in your lungs for a few seconds before exhaling.

Tips For A Better Blinker Hit Experience

To enhance your blinker hit experience, consider these additional tips:

  • Stay Hydrated: Vaping can dehydrate you, so drink plenty of water before and after your session.
  • Pace Yourself: Especially if you’re a beginner, start with shorter draws and gradually work your way up to a full blinker hit.
  • Mind Your Environment: Vape in a well-ventilated area to avoid lingering clouds of vapor and ensure a pleasant experience for others around you.
  • Use Quality Products: High-quality e-juices and vape oils taste better and are less likely to contain harmful additives.

Common Mistakes To Avoid

Even seasoned vapers can make mistakes when attempting blinker hits. Here are some common pitfalls to avoid:

  • Overdrawing: Taking too long of a draw can cause the coil to overheat, resulting in a burnt taste.
  • Ignoring Maintenance: Regular cleaning and maintenance of your vape device are crucial for consistent performance.
  • Incorrect Device Use: Ensure you’re familiar with your vape pen’s features and limitations to avoid misuse.
  • Exceeding Tolerance: Know your limits and avoid taking hits that are too intense for your comfort level.

Health & Safety Considerations

While blinker hits can enhance your vaping experience, it’s important to consider health and safety:

  • Respiratory Health: Prolonged inhalation can be harsh on your lungs. Take breaks and avoid overdoing it.
  • Battery Safety: Ensure your battery is in good condition, and never leave your vape pen charging unattended.
  • Moderation: Like all vaping activities, moderation is key. Overuse can lead to negative side effects, such as dizziness or nausea.

Final Words

Taking a blinker hit on a vape can provide a more intense and flavorful experience, but it’s essential to approach it with caution and preparation. You can enjoy the benefits of blinker hits safely and responsibly by choosing the right device, maintaining your equipment, and following proper inhalation techniques.


What is a blinker hit?

A blinker hit is when you take a continuous inhale from a vape pen until the device’s light blinks, indicating the auto shut-off feature has been activated.

Is a blinker hit safe for beginners?

Beginners should start with shorter draws to gauge their tolerance before attempting a full blinker hit to avoid overwhelming themselves.

How often should I clean my vape pen?

To ensure optimal performance and flavor, it’s recommended that you clean your vape pen regularly, ideally after every few uses.

Can a blinker hit damage my vape pen?

If done excessively, blinker hits can cause the coil to overheat and potentially damage your vape pen. Always follow your device’s guidelines and take breaks between hits.

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Can Doctors Tell Your Parents If You Vape

Privacy & Confidentiality: Can Doctors Tell Your Parents If You Vape?

Vaping has become increasingly popular, especially among teenagers. However, it raises significant health concerns and questions about privacy and confidentiality, particularly for minors. This article explores whether doctors can tell your parents if you vape, the rules and regulations surrounding doctor-patient confidentiality, and the best ways to handle such situations.

What Is Vaping?

Vaping includes breathing in vapor generated by an electronic cigarette or a similar gadget. These gadgets heat a liquid that contains nicotine, flavorings, and other substances to produce the vapor. In contrast to regular cigarettes, vaping does not involve burning tobacco, which decreases the amount of harmful chemicals inhaled. Nonetheless, vaping still presents health hazards, such as nicotine dependence, lung impairment, heart disease, and oral health issues.

Potential Concerns Of Vaping

  • Addiction: Nicotine in vaping liquids is highly addictive.
  • Lung Damage: Vaping can cause chronic bronchitis and other lung issues.
  • Heart Disease: Increases heart rate and blood pressure, potentially leading to heart disease and stroke.
  • Oral Health: Nicotine can lead to gum disease and tooth decay.

Privacy & Confidentiality: Rules & Regulations

Doctor-Patient Confidentiality

Doctor-patient confidentiality is a fundamental principle in healthcare. It ensures that personal health information is not disclosed without the patient’s consent. This confidentiality is essential for building trust between doctors and patients and enabling open and honest communication about health issues.

Confidentiality If You Are A Minor

Confidentiality rules for minors can be more complex. Generally, doctors must maintain confidentiality for patients under 18 seeking specific medical services, such as reproductive health or mental health care. However, for general medical care, doctors might share information with parents, depending on state laws, the nature of the health issue, and the legal age of vaping around the world.


There are exceptions to confidentiality rules, including:

  • Risk of Harm: If a doctor believes a patient is in danger of harming themselves or others, they may disclose information to someone who can help, such as a parent or guardian.
  • Legal Requirements: Some states require doctors to report certain conditions or behaviors, such as infectious diseases or suspected abuse.

Can Doctors Tell Your Parents If You Vape?

Whether doctors can tell your parents about your vaping depends on several factors:

  • Age and State Laws: If you are a minor, state laws may allow doctors to disclose certain health information to your parents.
  • Health Risks: If your vaping has led to significant health issues, a doctor might need to inform your parents to ensure proper care.
  • Type of Medical Care: For specific services like mental health, confidentiality is typically stricter, and doctors may not disclose information without your consent.

Best Way To Handle

If you vape and are concerned about your parents finding out, consider the following steps:

  • Be Honest with Your Doctor: Transparency helps ensure you receive the best possible care.
  • Understand Your Rights: Familiarize yourself with confidentiality laws in your state.
  • Discuss Concerns: Talk to your doctor about your privacy concerns and seek their advice on handling conversations with your parents.
  • Plan the Conversation: If you decide to tell your parents, plan what you will say and consider involving your doctor for support.

Final Words

Understanding the implications of vaping on your health and privacy is crucial. While doctor-patient confidentiality generally protects your information, there are circumstances where your doctor might need to disclose your vaping habits to your parents. Open communication with your doctor can help you navigate these situations effectively.


Can doctors detect if you vape from a blood test?

Yes, doctors can detect nicotine and its metabolites, such as cotinine, in your blood, which indicates vaping.

Will my dentist know if I vape?

Dentists may suspect vaping if they notice signs like dry mouth, gum disease, or cavities during an examination.

Are there legal obligations for doctors to report vaping?

In some states, doctors may need to report health issues related to vaping, especially if it poses significant health risks.

Can I keep my vaping habits confidential from my parents?

It depends on your age, state laws, and the nature of your medical care. Discuss confidentiality concerns with your doctor to understand your rights.

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Luxury Vibes Smoke Shop

Luxury Vibes Smoke Shop: Elevate Your Smoking Experience With A Touch Of Luxury

In the bustling city of Hartford, CT, Luxury Vibes Smoke Shop has emerged as a premier destination for smoking enthusiasts seeking high-quality products and unparalleled service. This smoke shop combines affordability with quality, ensuring that every visit is a unique and satisfying experience. Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or a newcomer to the scene, Luxury Vibes Smoke Shop offers something for everyone.

Luxury Vibes Smoke Shop: Unique Smoking Experience

Location And Accessibility

Situated at 53 Albany Ave, Hartford, CT 06120, Luxury Vibes Smoke Shop is conveniently located for both locals and visitors. Its prime location ensures easy access and ample parking, making it a hassle-free stop for your smoking needs.


53 Albany Ave, Hartford, CT 06120

Phone: (347) 880-3136

Store Hours

Luxury Vibes Smoke Shop is open seven days a week, offering flexible hours to accommodate busy schedules:

Monday to Friday: 8 AM to 9 PM

Saturday and Sunday: 10 AM to 9 PM

Extensive Product Range

Luxury Vibes Smoke Shop boasts an extensive selection of smoking products and accessories. From the latest vaporizers and e-liquids to traditional smoking accessories, the store is stocked with everything a smoking enthusiast could need. They also carry exclusive and hard-to-find items, ensuring customers have access to the best the market offers.

Standout Features Of Luxury Vibes Smoke Shop

Affordable Excellence

One of the hallmarks of Luxury Vibes Smoke Shop is its commitment to providing top-tier products at competitive prices. The shop’s pricing strategy ensures that customers receive the best value for their money without sacrificing quality. This approach has garnered a loyal customer base that appreciates both the affordability and the quality of the products offered.

Commitment To Quality

At Luxury Vibes Smoke Shop, quality is never compromised. Each product is carefully selected to meet stringent standards, ensuring that customers receive only the best. Whether it’s the latest vape technology or a classic smoking pipe, you can trust that the items on the shelves are of superior quality.

Knowledgeable & Friendly Staff

The staff at Luxury Vibes Smoke Shop is not only friendly but also highly knowledgeable. They are always ready to assist customers, whether it’s providing product recommendations or answering questions about the latest smoking trends. This level of customer service enhances the shopping experience, making it both enjoyable and informative.

Customer Feedback: The Voice Of The Community

Positive Experiences

Many customers have shared their positive experiences at Luxury Vibes Smoke Shop:

  • Laura C.: “Friendly and patient staff, quality products, and affordable prices. Highly recommend!”
  • Isabele F.: “Always a pleasure shopping here. The staff is helpful, and the products are legit and affordable.”
  • Amy A.: “Great selection, super friendly staff, and a clean environment. Love this place!”

Areas For Improvement

While the majority of feedback is positive, some customers have noted areas for improvement:

  • Collette S.: “Had a rude encounter with staff once.”
  • Chen K.: “Questionable authenticity of some cartridges.”

Tips For An Optimal Shopping Experience

To make the most of your visit to Luxury Vibes Smoke Shop, consider the following tips:

Visit During Off-Peak Hours: Avoiding peak times can provide a more relaxed shopping experience.

Engage with Staff: Don’t hesitate to ask the staff for advice or recommendations.

Stay Informed: Follow the shop on social media for updates on new products and promotions.

Final Words

Luxury Vibes Smoke Shop stands out in Hartford, CT, as a top choice for smoking enthusiasts. Its combination of affordable prices, high-quality products, and excellent customer service makes it a must-visit destination. Luxury Vibes Smoke Shop has something to offer whether you’re looking for the latest in vaping technology or traditional smoking accessories.


What types of products are available at Luxury Vibes Smoke Shop?

The shop offers a wide range of products, including vaporizers, e-liquids, and various smoking accessories.

Are the products at Luxury Vibes Smoke Shop affordable?

Yes, the shop is known for its competitive pricing and high-quality products.

What are the shop’s operating hours?

The shop is open Monday to Friday from 8 AM to 9 PM and Saturday and Sunday from 10 AM to 9 PM.

Is the staff at Luxury Vibes Smoke Shop knowledgeable?

Yes, the staff is highly knowledgeable and ready to assist with any questions or recommendations.

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Wild Side Smoke Shop

Wild Side Smoke Shop: Learn All About This Smoke Shop In Tempe

Wild Side Smoke Shop is a popular destination for smoking enthusiasts in the heart of Tempe. Known for its extensive product range and excellent customer service, this smoke shop has built a solid reputation among locals and visitors alike. Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or a novice looking to explore, Wild Side Smoke Shop offers something for everyone.

Wild Side Smoke Shop: An Overview

Wild Side Smoke Shop is not just any ordinary smoke shop. It offers a luxurious yet affordable shopping experience for those looking to purchase smoking accessories, glassware, and more. The shop prides itself on providing high-quality products at competitive prices, making it a favorite in the Tempe area.


405 W University Dr Ste 102, Tempe, AZ 85281

Opening Time

Wild Side Smoke Shop operates daily from 8 AM to 12 AM, ensuring you can visit any day of the week at your convenience.

What Makes Wild Side Smoke Shop Stand Out?


One of Wild Side Smoke Shop’s main attractions is its affordability. Customers frequently praise the shop for its reasonable prices on a wide range of products. From glass pipes to vaping devices, you can find everything you need without breaking the bank.

No Compromise With The Quality

Despite offering low prices, Wild Side Smoke Shop does not compromise on quality. The products available are sourced from reputable brands, ensuring durability and performance. This commitment to quality makes it a reliable choice for all your smoking needs.

Quality Staff

The staff at Wild Side Smoke Shop are known for their friendliness and expertise. Customers often mention how knowledgeable and helpful the employees are, making shopping here a pleasant experience. Whether you need advice on a new product or assistance with a purchase, the staff is always ready to help.

User Reviews


  • Isaac Russell: “Finally a smoke shop that doesn’t break the bank. Wild Side by far has the best prices on all your glass needs, and a friendly staff willing to help you without feeling pressured to buy.”
  • K Vancooley: “Kasey F. was an amazing help to me today for my first visit to AZ Wild Side smoke shop!! She was knowledgeable in the products, gave phenomenal customer service and was pleasant from the second I walked through the door!”
  • Seffie von Dionysus: “I love this place and go here pretty much every day. Everyone that works here is nice and helpful!”


  • Marc Norman: “Recently I went to your 420 raffle with a whole bunch of tickets I had accumulated over the last year. The new manager informed me that I needed the other half of the ticket and alienated me. It’s bad business.”
  • Taylor Boyer: “Do not go here. Walked there when they opened, doors were locked but lights were on. Called several times, no answer. It’s already an hour past opening and still not open.”

Things To Keep In Mind

While Wild Side Smoke Shop has a lot of positive aspects, it’s important to be aware of some customer complaints. Issues such as inconsistent opening hours and occasional problems with product returns have been noted. It’s always a good idea to check their opening hours in advance and understand their return policy before making a purchase.

Bottom Line

Wild Side Smoke Shop in Tempe, AZ, offers a comprehensive selection of smoking and vaping products at affordable prices without sacrificing quality. With a friendly and knowledgeable staff, it’s a great place to explore and find everything you need for a satisfying smoking experience. However, keep in mind the occasional customer service hiccups and check store policies to ensure a smooth shopping experience.


What products can I find at Wild Side Smoke Shop?

You can find a variety of smoking accessories, glassware, vaping devices, and more.

Is there a warranty on products bought at Wild Side Smoke Shop?

Yes, some products come with a warranty. Check with the staff for specific details.

What are the opening hours?

Wild Side Smoke Shop is open daily from 8 AM to 12 AM.

How can I contact Wild Side Smoke Shop?

You can contact them at (480) 966-1477 for any inquiries.

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Tower Smoke Clovis

Tower Smoke Clovis: Get Insights Into Tower Vape Shop For An Enhanced Experience

Finding a reliable vape shop that offers quality products and exceptional service can be challenging. Tower Smoke Clovis, located in Clovis, California, has quickly become a go-to destination for vape enthusiasts. In this article, we provide an in-depth look at Tower Smoke Clovis, exploring its offerings, what makes it unique, and why it’s a preferred choice for many.

An In-Depth Look At Tower Smoke Clovis

Tower Smoke Clovis is situated in California (95 W Shaw Ave #102, Clovis, 93612), and is known for its extensive range of vaporizers, e-liquids, and smoking accessories. This shop caters to a diverse clientele, from beginners to experienced vapers, and prides itself on providing high-quality products and excellent customer service.

What Sets Tower Smoke Clovis Apart?

There are several elements that make Tower Smoke Clovis a standout in the local vaping community:

  • Diverse Product Range: The shop offers an impressive selection of vaporizers, e-liquids, American and imported glassware, and accessories like bowls and down stems.
  • Expert Staff: The knowledgeable and friendly staff are always ready to help customers find the perfect products and provide valuable advice.
  • Customer-Centric Approach: Customer satisfaction is a top priority, as evidenced by the positive reviews and loyal customer base.
  • Competitive Pricing: With affordable prices, Tower Smoke Clovis ensures that customers get great value for their money.

Exploring The Extensive Product Range

One of the key attractions of Tower Smoke Clovis is its wide array of products. The shop stocks the latest vaporizers, an extensive selection of e-liquids in various flavors and nicotine strengths, and a variety of glassware from both American and international manufacturers. Additionally, the store offers numerous smoking accessories, ensuring that customers can find everything they need in one place.

Customer Experience & Service Quality

The staff at Tower Smoke Clovis are known for their expertise and willingness to assist customers. Whether you’re new to vaping or a seasoned enthusiast, you can expect personalized recommendations and thorough explanations of products. The store’s layout is designed to be customer-friendly, making it easy to navigate and find what you’re looking for.

Unique Features & Services

Tower Smoke Clovis offers several unique features and services that enhance the customer experience:

  • Special Orders: If a product is not in stock, the staff can place special orders to ensure customers get exactly what they need.
  • Regular Promotions: The shop frequently offers promotions and discounts, allowing customers to save on their favorite products.
  • Product Demonstrations: The knowledgeable staff often conduct product demonstrations, helping customers understand how to use new devices and products effectively.
  • Community Engagement: Tower Smoke Clovis is actively involved in the local community, participating in events and supporting local initiatives.

Customer Testimonials

Customer feedback highlights the strengths of Tower Smoke Clovis:

  • “The staff is incredibly helpful and knowledgeable. They always take the time to answer my questions and make recommendations based on my preferences.”
  • “I appreciate the wide selection of products and the competitive prices. It’s my go-to shop for all my vaping needs.”
  • “I love the variety of e-liquids available here. There’s always something new to try, and the staff helps me find flavors I’ll enjoy.”

Final Words

The premier vape shop in Clovis, CA is Tower Smoke Clovis, renowned for its wide selection of products, knowledgeable team, and focus on customer satisfaction. Whether you’re new to vaping or an experienced enthusiast, Tower Smoke Clovis has all the essentials to elevate your vaping journey. Its favorable location and business hours make it a destination worth visiting for locals and visitors alike.


What types of products can I find at Tower Smoke Clovis?

Tower Smoke Clovis provides vaporizers, e-liquids, glassware from both American and imported sources, as well as a range of smoking accessories.

What is the location of Tower Smoke Clovis?

Tower Smoke Clovis is in Clovis, California.

Does Tower Smoke Clovis offer special orders?

Yes, if a product is not in stock, the staff can place special orders to ensure you get what you need.

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Safest Vape Brands

Learn About The Safest Vape Brands To Enhance Your Vaping Experience

Vaping has become a popular alternative to smoking, but safety concerns remain a priority for many users. Understanding the safest vape brands and how to choose the right device can significantly enhance your vaping experience. This article provides insights into the safety of vaping, compares it to smoking, and offers guidance on selecting the safest vape devices. We also highlight the top five vape brands renowned for their safety and quality.

Is Vaping Safe?

Vaping is generally considered safer than smoking traditional cigarettes. Cigarettes contain over 7,000 harmful chemicals, many of which are carcinogenic. In contrast, vaping involves fewer potentially harmful elements. Public Health England has stated that vaping is 95% safer than smoking. However, this doesn’t mean vaping is completely risk-free. It’s essential to be aware of both the health and mechanical risks associated with vaping.

Vaping Vs. Smoking

When comparing vaping to smoking, vaping emerges as a significantly less harmful alternative. Smoking involves burning tobacco, which releases a myriad of toxic substances. Vaping, on the other hand, heats a liquid (often containing nicotine) to produce vapor. This process avoids the combustion of harmful chemicals. For those struggling to quit smoking, switching to vaping can be a step towards better health.

Potential Concerns Arise With Vaping

Health Risks

Despite being safer than smoking, vaping still carries health risks. Notable concerns include “E-cigarette or Vaping Use-Associated Lung Injury” (EVALI) and “popcorn lung” (bronchiolitis obliterans). EVALI is primarily linked to the use of THC cartridges containing vitamin E acetate, while popcorn lung is associated with inhaling diacetyl, a flavoring agent. Although these risks are significant, they are relatively rare and often related to specific products or improper use.

Mechanical Risks

Mechanical risks in vaping involve device malfunctions, such as overheating, fires, or explosions. These risks are generally mitigated by choosing high-quality, regulated devices and following proper usage guidelines. Ensuring your device is from a reputable brand and using it as intended can significantly reduce these dangers.

How To Choose The Safest Vape?

Open System

Open-system vapes feature refillable tanks, providing flexibility in juice choice. However, they pose higher risks of spills, leaks, and contamination. Proper handling and using reputable juices can mitigate these risks.

Closed System

Closed-system vapes use pre-filled cartridges, reducing the risk of contamination and leaks. They are generally safer than open systems but still require vigilance in sourcing compatible and high-quality cartridges.

Regulated Mods

Regulated mods include safety features like circuit protection, auto shut-off, and temperature control, making them safer for general use. They are ideal for beginners due to their built-in safeguards.

Unregulated Mods

Unregulated mods, or mech mods, lack safety features and are suitable for experienced vapers. They pose higher risks of malfunction and are not recommended for those prioritizing safety.

Top 5 Safest & Healthiest Vape Brands


SPIRITBAR is renowned for its high-quality disposable vapes. The SPIRITBAR TRON 20000 Puffs model offers a smooth vaping experience with adjustable modes and a large e-liquid capacity. Its safety features and reliable performance make it a top choice for those seeking a hassle-free and safe vaping option.


LOSTMARY vapes are popular for their innovative designs and user-friendly features. They provide robust safety measures, including leak-proof technology and durable battery life, ensuring a secure vaping experience.


Vuse is a well-established brand known for its closed-system vapes. These devices are equipped with multiple safety features and high-quality cartridges. Vuse emphasizes product testing and quality control, making its vapes a reliable choice.


Caliburn by Uwell offers sleek and portable vape devices with exceptional safety standards. Their products feature top-fill systems, preventing leaks and ensuring easy refills. Caliburn vapes are also known for their consistent performance and safety measures.


Vaporesso is a leading brand in the vaping industry, offering devices with advanced safety features like short-circuit protection, overheat protection, and high-quality coils. Their products are designed to provide a safe and satisfying vaping experience.

Bottom Line

Choosing the safest vape involves understanding the differences between open and closed systems, regulated and unregulated mods, and selecting reputable brands. Brands like SPIRITBAR, LOSTMARY, Vuse, Caliburn, and Vaporesso are leading the market with their commitment to safety and quality. Always ensure you’re using genuine products and following safety guidelines to enhance your vaping experience.


Is vaping safer than smoking?

Yes, vaping is generally considered safer than smoking as it involves fewer harmful chemicals.

What are the common risks associated with vaping?

The risks include health concerns like EVALI and mechanical risks like device malfunctions.

How can I ensure my vape is safe?

Choose high-quality devices from reputable brands, use compatible chargers, and follow safety guidelines.

Are closed-system vapes safer than open-system vapes?

Closed-system vapes reduce the risk of leaks and contamination, making them generally safer than open-system vapes.

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Dropped Vape In Water

Have You Dropped Vape In Water? Comprehensive Guide On How To Fix It

Accidentally dropping your vape in water can be a stressful experience, but it doesn’t have to mean the end for your device. With the right steps, you can often recover and repair your vape. This guide will help you understand what happens when a vape gets wet and how to fix it effectively.

Understanding Vape Devices

How Vapes Function

Vape devices consist of several key components: a battery, a heating coil, and an e-liquid tank or cartridge. The battery powers the coil, which heats the e-liquid and turns it into vapor. Understanding these components is crucial when dealing with water damage, as each part may react differently to moisture.

Common Types Of Vapes

There are various types of vapes, including disposable vapes, vape pens, and more complex vape mods. Disposable vapes are typically lightweight and not designed to be disassembled. Vape pens and mods, however, can often be taken apart, which can aid in drying and repairing the device if it gets wet.

Consequences Of Dropping Your Vape In Water

Immediate Effects

Water can cause immediate issues, such as short-circuiting the electronic components, especially if the device is powered on when it gets wet. This can lead to the device malfunctioning or becoming unsafe to use.

Long-Term Damage

If not properly addressed, water exposure can cause corrosion over time. This can affect the internal circuitry, battery, and even the tank and coils. Contaminated e-liquid can also degrade the quality of your vaping experience.

Step-By-Step Guide To Fixing Your Water-Damaged Vape

  • Act Quickly

The sooner you can get your vape out of the water, the better. Immediate action can prevent significant damage.

  • Disassemble The Device

Carefully take apart your vape, separating the tank, battery, and any removable parts. This will help you access all areas that might have been exposed to water.

  • Remove Excess Water

Blot away as much water as possible with a dry cloth or paper towel. Pay special attention to the battery compartment and any electronic components.

  • Air Dry Components

Place all the disassembled parts in a well-ventilated area to air dry. Avoid using direct sunlight or high heat, as this can damage sensitive components.

  • Dry The Battery

If the battery is removable, dry it separately with a cloth. Be cautious, as water exposure can cause the battery to malfunction or become unsafe.

  • Clean The Tank & Coils

Rinse the tank and coils with distilled water to remove any contaminants. Ensure they are completely dry before reassembling. Soaking the coils in rubbing alcohol can also help, but make sure to rinse and dry them thoroughly.

  • Inspect For Damage

Before reassembling, check each part for signs of corrosion or damage. Replace any components that appear compromised.

  • Reassemble & Test

Once everything is dry and inspected, carefully reassemble your vape. Start with a low-power setting to ensure everything is working correctly.

Precautionary Measures

  • Avoid Charging Wet Devices

Never charge a vape that has been exposed to water until you are certain it is completely dry. Charging a wet device can lead to short-circuiting and potential hazards.

  • Regular Maintenance

Regularly clean and maintain your vape to prevent build-up and ensure proper function. This can also help you spot potential issues early.

  • Use Protective Cases

Consider using protective cases or sleeves designed to keep your vape safe from water and other potential hazards.

In Summary

Dropping your vape in water doesn’t necessarily mean it’s ruined. You can often salvage your device by acting quickly and following the right steps. Disassemble, dry, clean, and carefully inspect your vape before reassembling it. Taking preventive measures in the future can also help protect your vape from water damage.


Can rice help dry my vape?

Using rice can help absorb some moisture, but it’s not as effective as properly disassembling and air-drying the components.

How long should I wait before using my vape after it gets wet?

It’s best to wait at least 24-48 hours to ensure all parts are completely dry before reassembling and using your vape.

What should I do if my vape battery gets wet?

Remove the battery immediately, dry it thoroughly with a cloth, and allow it to air dry. If there are signs of damage, replace the battery.

Is it safe to use a hairdryer to dry my vape?

A hairdryer can be used in a low heat setting, but be cautious to avoid overheating components. Air drying is generally the safest method.

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Vape After Wisdom Teeth Removal

When Can I Vape After Wisdom Teeth Removal? Is It Safe After Tooth Extraction?

Wisdom teeth removal is a common dental procedure that often causes discomfort and requires a period of recovery. For those who vape, a frequent question arises: When can I vape after wisdom teeth removal? This article delves into the potential risks and provides guidelines to help you make informed decisions during your recovery process.

Tooth Extraction & Discomfort

Tooth extraction, especially wisdom teeth removal, involves surgically removing the teeth, which can lead to significant pain and swelling. The first few days post-extraction are critical for healing, and certain activities, such as vaping, can interfere with this process. Understanding the mechanics of tooth extraction and subsequent discomfort can shed light on why specific precautions are necessary.

Tobacco Implications: Why Avoid Vaping After Tooth Extraction

Tobacco products, including vapes, contain nicotine and other harmful substances that can impede healing. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the extraction site, which is essential for proper healing. Additionally, the act of vaping creates suction in the mouth, which can dislodge the blood clot formed at the extraction site, leading to a painful condition known as dry socket.

When Can I Vape After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

It’s recommended to wait at least 48 hours after wisdom teeth removal before considering vaping. However, for optimal healing, it’s advisable to wait 3-4 days or longer. Here’s a more detailed timeline:

  • Day 1: Stick to liquids like water and soup. Avoid vaping to minimize the risk of dry socket.
  • Day 2: Soft foods like mashed potatoes are okay. Continue to avoid vaping.
  • Day 3: Begin eating foods that require minimal chewing, such as scrambled eggs. You may consider vaping gently, but it’s better to wait.
  • Day 4-5: If you must vape, start slowly and use low-wattage settings to reduce the impact on the healing site. The longer you wait, the better for your healing process.

Potential Issues If Not Followed The Advice

Ignoring the advice to abstain from vaping after tooth extraction can lead to several serious issues:

  • Dry Socket: This painful condition occurs when the blood clot at the extraction site is dislodged, exposing nerves and bone.
  • Infection: Vaping introduces bacteria into the mouth, increasing the risk of infection at the surgical site.
  • Delayed Healing: Nicotine and other chemicals in vape products can slow down the healing process, prolonging discomfort and increasing the likelihood of complications.
  • Increased Pain and Swelling: Vaping can exacerbate inflammation, leading to more pain and swelling in the affected area.

Things To Keep In Mind

Here are some important tips to consider if you are eager to resume vaping after your wisdom teeth removal:

  • Wait As Long As Possible: The longer you can avoid vaping, the better.
  • Gentle Inhales: When you do start vaping again, take gentle inhales to minimize pressure in your mouth.
  • Keep The Area Clean: Ensure that your mouth remains clean by following your dentist’s oral hygiene recommendations.
  • Monitor For Symptoms: Be vigilant for any signs of dry socket or infection, such as severe pain, bad breath, or swelling.
  • Consult Your Dentist: Always follow your dentist’s specific advice regarding your recovery and when it is safe to resume vaping.

Final Words

Wisdom teeth removal requires careful post-operative care to ensure proper healing. Vaping too soon can lead to severe complications, so it is crucial to follow the recommended guidelines. By waiting at least 48 hours, and preferably longer, you can help your mouth heal more effectively and avoid unnecessary pain and complications.


Can I vape 24 hours after wisdom teeth removal?

It is advisable to wait for a minimum of 48 hours to reduce the chances of potential issues like dry socket

Why does vaping increase the risk of dry socket?

Vaping creates suction in the mouth, which can dislodge the blood clot, protecting the extraction site, and leading to a dry socket.

Are there any alternatives to vaping immediately after extraction?

Yes, consider using nicotine patches or lozenges as alternatives to satisfy nicotine cravings without the harmful effects of vaping.

What should I do if I experience severe pain after vaping post-extraction?

Stop vaping immediately and contact your dentist, as you may have developed a dry socket or another complication that requires professional attention.

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Vape Juice
Health, Vape

How To Make Vape Juice With Household Items To Enhance Vaping Experience

Vaping has become a popular hobby for many, offering a customizable and flavorful alternative to traditional smoking. While commercial vape juices are widely available, making your own vape juice at home can be a fun and rewarding experience. Not only does it allow you to experiment with flavors, but it also gives you control over the ingredients used. In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating vape juice with household items, ensuring a satisfying and personalized vaping experience.

Understanding Commercial Vape Juice

Before diving into the DIY process, it’s important to understand what goes into commercial vape juice. Typically, these products are made from a combination of propylene glycol (PG), vegetable glycerin (VG), flavorings, and nicotine. Each ingredient plays a crucial role in creating the overall vaping experience, from the production of vapor to the flavor and throat hit.

Essential Ingredients For Homemade Vape Juice

To create vape juice at home, you will need a few basic ingredients, many of which you might already have in your kitchen or bathroom. Here’s what you need:

  • Vegetable Glycerin (VG): A thick, sweet liquid that produces large vapor clouds.
  • Distilled Water: Used to thin the VG and create the right consistency.
  • Flavorings: Food-grade flavorings can be used to add taste.
  • Nicotine Solution: Optional and should be handled with care.

Step-By-Step Guide: How To Make Vape Juice With Household Items

Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients

Ensure you have all the necessary ingredients and tools. You will need Vegetable glycerin, Distilled water, Food-grade flavorings (optional), Nicotine solution (optional), Measuring cups or syringes, and Clean mixing containers.

Storage Bottles

Step 2: Prepare the Base

Start by preparing the base of your vape juice. Mix vegetable glycerin with distilled water in a ratio of 70% VG to 30% distilled water. Adjust this ratio based on your preference for vapor production and throat hit.

Step 3: Add Flavorings

If you want to add flavor to your vape juice, now is the time. Use food-grade flavorings and add a few drops to the VG and water mixture. Start with a small amount and adjust according to taste.

Step 4: Incorporate Nicotine (Optional)

If you prefer your vape juice to contain nicotine, carefully add a nicotine solution. Use gloves and measure precisely to avoid any health risks. The amount of nicotine added will depend on your desired strength.

Step 5: Mix Properly

After all the ingredients have been mixed together, make sure to shake the mixture well. This will guarantee that all the elements are evenly spread out, leading to uniform vape juice.

Step 6: Steep The Mixture

Steeping allows the flavors to meld together, enhancing the overall taste. Store the mixture in a cool, dark place for 2-7 days. Shake the bottle periodically to aid the process.

Step 7: Test & Check

After letting it steep, try your vape juice. If you don’t like the flavor, you can adjust it by adding more flavoring or changing the VG to water ratio.

Homemade vs. Commercial Vape Juice


Creating your own vape juice at home involves using simple and readily available ingredients, whereas commercially available products often contain specific additives designed to improve their overall performance.

Quality Control

Commercial vape juices are subject to extensive quality control measures to guarantee uniformity and safety. In contrast, the production of homemade versions relies on the accuracy and hygiene practices of the individual maker.


Creating your own vape liquid at home allows you more freedom when it comes to choosing flavors and adjusting nicotine levels. However, finding the right combination may involve some experimentation and adjustment.


DIY vape juice can be more economical but may not always match the quality of commercially produced options. However, the satisfaction of creating your own blend can be rewarding.

Tips For Making Vape Juice At Home

  • Safety First: Always use food-grade ingredients and handle nicotine with care.
  • Clean Workspace: Maintain a clean and organized workspace to avoid contamination.
  • Start Small: Begin with small batches to experiment with flavors and ratios.
  • Labeling: Clearly label your vape juice with ingredients and the date of creation.
  • Steeping Time: Allow sufficient time for steeping to achieve the best flavor.

Final Words

Creating your own vape juice at home can be a fun and economical way to enhance your vaping experience. With a few household items and some creativity, you can craft a personalized blend that suits your taste and preferences. While homemade vape juice may not always match the consistency and quality of commercial products, the satisfaction of vaping something you’ve made yourself is unparalleled.


Can I use regular glycerin instead of vegetable glycerin?

No, only food-grade vegetable glycerin should be used to ensure safety and proper vapor production.

How long should I let my vape juice steep?

Steeping time varies, but a range of 2-7 days is recommended for optimal flavor development.

Is it necessary to use nicotine in my homemade vape juice?

No, nicotine is optional and should only be added if you prefer it.

Can I use essential oils as flavorings?

No, essential oils are not safe for inhalation and should not be used in vape juice.

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